2023 Jan 17 The Bryan Hyde Show

Tuesdays are always a treat as my friend Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by to chat about what’s happening. His latest take on corporate shills and mercenaryism is worth hearing.

Can you sense the shift in the attitude of the ruling class? They’re frightened and maybe with good reason. James Howard Kunstler notes the glug glug, gurgle gurgle sounds that may indicate the ship of state is in trouble.

Assuming that you’re getting yourself squared away for tougher times, here’s a piece of knowledge that should serve you well. Milan Adams explains why the gray man strategy of not drawing attention to yourself is something worth knowing.

Most of the solutions to our needs can be met locally, if we’re willing to work and coordinate with others. Christine Black describes what a local alternative is really like when it comes to butchering and packing your own meat.


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