2022 September 6 The Bryan Hyde Show

Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by to discuss what it’s like to live in a “V for Vendetta” dystopia. There’s never a dull moment here in clown world.

I know we’re not supposed to have any doubts about the 2020 election but having questions doesn’t make one an election denier. Check out Arizona gubenatorial candidate Kari Lake’s answer to a reporter’s question on the matter.

A common tactic for the left is to accuse its opponents of exactly what the left is doing. James Bovard has a marvelous take-down of the president’s speech last week and how anyone in power who does what Biden does would be acting like a dictator.

Here’s some powerful incentive to think twice before jumping aboard the Electric Vehicle (EV) bandwagon. As early as next year, Europeans could be paying as much as $270 each time they charge their EVs. That’s a lot of money to go 150 miles.

Hate crime hoaxes are nothing new. Especially since an accusation is as good as a conviction in the court of public opinion. But did the BYU volleyball incident even happen? There’s good reason to doubt.


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