2021 December 2 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two

We all have bad habits. My least favorite bad habit is that I swear. After reading Annie Holmquist’s latest essay on pushing the pause button on profanity, my resolve to do better is renewed.

The idea that the U.S. is becoming more like the former Soviet Union while Russia is reclaiming its Christian heritage is a difficult thought for some to consider. Anthony Esolen points out some of the hard truths about how our enemies wait as we destroy ourselves.

Like most people who aren’t looking for an excuse to riot and run feral, I was relieved when Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted. There are some lessons to be learned from his experience and one of the biggest ones is outlined by attorney George Parry, who warns Kyle–and the rest of us–about the dangers that he still faces.

This essay by Margaret Anna Alice is going to make some folks SUPER uncomfortable. It made me hold my breath, and I actually agree with most of what she says in it. Check out her letter to an agree-to-disagree relative about why she’s willing to speak out, even if it makes people squirm and look away.

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