4-18-2020 Liberty Round Table with Sam Bushman hr 2

  • * FBI: Coronavirus-related research hacked by foreign governments – The Western Journal.
  • * The CDC has shifted the way deaths from COVID-19 are counted in the United States to include both “confirmed” and “probable” cases.
  • * Stanford University research teams released data Friday from the nation’s first widespread community test for COVID-19 antibodies, and the results show the virus’s spread could be far wider than previously believed.
  • * KY Gov. Andy Beshear has defied direct orders from the Federal Court, the US AG and the DOJ in his continued attacks on Christians – Liberty Counsel files suit in Federal Court to force Gov. Beshear to obey both the Kentucky State and the United States Constitutions.
  • * Coronavirus has been ‘freewheeling’ in California since December, says government official Dr. Jeff Smith.
  • * Michael Cohen will be released from prison 18 months earlier than scheduled due to concerns over coronavirus.
  • * Police arrested protesters at a #reopenNC rally in North Carolina, where restless citizens demanded businesses in the state be allowed to reopen.

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