2022 February 18 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two

It’s been fascinating to see how entangled medicine, business and big government have become. Anthony Matoria has some excellent historical perspective on the decline of American medicine.

Anyone who lives in the American West can attest to the ongoing exodus of people making a run for greater freedom. Kerry McDonald lays out why so many families are uprooting and fleeing to freer states.

I know it’s not fashionable to point to the family as a solution for most of our societal ills. As Anthony Esolen notes, the death of muscular American social life coincides with the disintegration of the family.

Trying to keep up with the U.S. State Dept’s “Operation Smollett” in Ukraine? You’re not alone. For some helpful historical perspective, check out David Stockman’s piece “We Are Not Useful Idiots!

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