2021 November 16 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two

If you have ever felt like less because you don’t have lots of money, you’re not alone. Take a deep breath and consider how you define wealth. Collette from the Frugalite has a thoughtful essay about the many ways a person’s wealth can be measured. You might just discover that you’re richer than you thought.

Despite what politicians may tell you at election time, you have few friends in Washington D.C. Doug Bandow frames the situation plainly and accurately, whose life is it anyway? Politicians should stop claiming our futures as their own.

If, by chance, you are one of the brave few who have resisted the vax mandates, it’s likely you’re finding yourself having regular conversations with the people around you who don’t understand why. Lisa Boothe has written out a principled and direct explanation of why she’s not vaccinated. It may not change anyone’s mind but it’s a very reasonable explanation.

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