11-4-2019 Liberty Round Table with Sam Bushman hr 1

Liberty RoundTable Radio Show Hour 1 – 11/4/2019
* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* The Empire Strikes Back: Max Blumenthal Arrested: Criminalization of Dissent.
“Since the 1998 election of Hugo Chávez, the US has fought to restore control over Venezuela and it’s oil reserves.
“The Trump administration immediately elevated Venezuela to the top of Washington’s regime change target list, branding it the leader of a “troika of tyranny.”
* Was the US involved in a plot, code-named Operation Constitution, to capture Maduro at the Miraflores presidential palace; and another, called Operation Armageddon, to assassinate him at a military parade in July 2017?
Just over a year later, exiled opposition leaders tried and failed to kill Maduro with drone bombs during a military parade in Caracas.
* A New “Surge” Expands Unconstitutional Federal Involvement in Local Police – Mike Maharrey.
* “But arming ‘peace officers’ like they’re ready to occupy an enemy city is totally contrary to the society envisioned by the founders. They’ve turned ‘protect and serve’ into ‘command and control.’”
* Ron Paul: Trump’s New Pre-Crime Division!
* Lowell Attends and Reports on The 2019 Symposium on Health and Health Freedom – YourHealthFreedom.org.

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