10-5-2020 Liberty RoundTable with Sam Bushman Hour 1

* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.

* Sam Bushman: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Conference: The Doctrine of Christ is Simple, Pure, Glorious and True! – ChurchOfJesusChrist.org.

* The theme of the conference was hope in Christ despite the adversities of Covid, job loss, and political unrest.

* Quentin L. Cook: The Constitution was inspired by God to benefit all mankind, and that it is not right to enslave anyone, or to force anyone into bondage.

* Dallin H. Oaks: Encouraged us to avoid contention. The Adversary promotes anger, contention, division, hostility, and violence. Redress of grievances by mob is illegal.

* L. Todd Christofferson: Personal conscience is vital to public virtue. Accountability to God tethers society to kindness.

* M. Russell Ballard: Asked us to pray for our country. People and leaders (especially) need divine inspiration and guidance. So pray for those who batle economic, social, and political foes.

* Providential Perspective on the History of Mankind – Lauri Updike.

* Defending Oneself from Violent Protesters.

* Ron Paul Remains Unstoppable – Jeff Deist.

* Forced into submission – Ron Paul – Ron is encouraging all governors to end the lockdowns. “Using fear tactics and executive overreach, they have spent months destroying constitutional rights, their state’s economies, and the health and well-being of their own citizens with reckless abandon.

* An Anonymous Nurse Speaks Out: The RT-PCR Test is Totally Unreliable, It Does not Detect the Virus.

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